1). Miguel O'Hara Spider-Man 2099 - Written by Steve Orlando, art by Devmalya Pramanik, colors by Raul Angulo, edited by Mikey J. Basso
It's been a hot minute since I've picked up a Spider-Man 2099 story, but I am glad I did. I'm not sure what inspired Orlando and team to head down a "Miguel vs. Spooky Monsters" path but it was an excellent decision. This issue sees Miguel tackle a zombie problem, and it gets pretty dark. The art by Pramanik and Angulo is excellent, they really make Miguel's mother look like she is straight out of Evil Dead. Their work on Spider-Man is strong, they really know how to draw the suit. For a one issues story Orlando really tells it well and does the topic and characters justice. I look forward to reading the rest of the Miguel Vs. Monsters arc!
2) Vengeance of the Moon Knight #1 - Written by Jed MacKay, art by Alessandro Cappucio, colors by Rachelle Rosenberg edited by Tom Breevort
I'll be the first to admit it, I wasn't super excited about this new Moon Knight series. The run by MacKay and company from 1-30 was excellent start to finish, so I honestly thought a new series WITHOUT Moon Knight was a crazy idea. But I still read the new series' first issues, and it delivers. Clearly it's not the character that matters here, as long as MacKay, Cappucio, and Rosenberg are on a comic it doesn't matter who it is about. Even without Moon Knight the issues is very well done, and a good start to the new Moon Knight series. I'm still not a huge Reese fan, but the supporting cast is very fleshed out, and Hunters Moon is an excellent addition to the Moon Knight cast, and could easily carry this new series on his shoulders. "A priest" was the most chilling line and very reminiscent of Marc. So while I do hope we get Marc back at SOME point, this is a good series even without the titular character.
3) Captain America #5 - Written by J. Michael Stracynski, art by Lan Medina, colors by Espen Grundetjern, edited by Alanna Smith
Captain America is probably my favorite "recent comic series to start, and I hope it gets a long runtime to prove its worth to more people. Each issue has been well written, well drawn, colored, and true to what Captain America is supposed to be. I like the flashbacks connecting to the present story, though I do feel like the ratio of flashback to present day could lean a little heavier towards present day, I want to see Cap smash some demons, not just run away from Nazis. But even that doesn't take away from how creative this new series has been, and funny too. And the light teamup work from Dr. Strange has been a nice touch, showing how Cap hates to deal with magical...dolls. While I am ready for this current arc to be finished, I look forward to see where this series goes!