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New Comics Review (Week of 4/19)

Writer's picture: Joe SolomonJoe Solomon

1) Hellcat #2 - Story by Christopher Cantwell, art by Alex Lins, colors by KJ Diaz, edited by Martin Biro

A Chris Cantwell Hellcat run is exactly what the Doctor ordered. It's gritty and builds upon the success the character found in the recent (and incredible) Iron Man run. I'm glad Cantwell got to salvage Hellcat from the destruction of that title (gone way too soon). This issues continues the story from the first issue, with Patsy trying to solve a murder, with help/insight from Hellstrom, and Sleepwalker, who are both drawn incredibly well by Alex Lins, especially Hellstrom. Hellcat is a fresh start for the character, and this creative team of Cantwell Lins and Diaz seem to be hitting the ground running. The story is suspenseful, tense, and engaging. It could definitely do with a little more action (this issue was slow), but it's a nice build that I'm sure will lead up to some seriously exciting payoffs. Subscribe while you can!

2) Punisher #11 - By Jason Aaron, Jesus Saiz, Paul Azaceta, colors by Matt Hollingsworth

The best part of this story has definitely been Maria's viewpoint and her flashback panels. The art by this creative team is astounding, the flashbacks have a Daredevil:Yellow art style and really make the flashbacks pop out, like an old comic. But while I'm enjoyed the flashbacks throughout each issue, the battle between the Avengers (and friends) and Frank was the main set piece, and boy did it satisfy. The Avengers put a brutal beat down on Frank, with each of them (except maybe Moon Knight) doing some serious damage to Castle. Doctor Strange steals the show, but the showdown between Cap and Frank is another wonderfully tense moment. Aaron has been allowed to do what he does best in this limited series, and with it ending soon I hope he gets to tackle another darker project, like oh I don't know, maybe a good Thunderbolts run? Haven't seen one of those since the Red Run. Here's hoping!

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